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May 2018 Views : 1074
Skill of Making Wise DecisionsBy : Payel Basu

The skill of Making Wise Decisions

Dear Readers,

Today I am in a contemplating mood and I have decided to start my blog with storytelling. For centuries, people have used stories to pass on knowledge specially on life skills. Here is an encouraging story that may inspire you to make a choice and to take an action. Enjoy reading.

The story begins like this...

A group of children were playing near two railway tracks, one still in use while the other abandoned. Only one child played on the abandoned track, the rest on the operational track.

Imagine, a train is coming, and you are standing beside the track interchange. You can make the train change its direction to the abandoned track and save most of the kids. However, that would also mean the single child who was playing by the abandoned track would be sacrificed. On the other hand, you may decide let the train go its way.

Let's take a pause to think what kind of decision we could make. Most people might choose to divert the course of the train, and sacrifice only one child. We might think the same way. However, we often overlook the fact that the child choosing to play on the abandoned track had in fact made the right decision to play at a safe place.

A mentor who told the story said that he would not try to change the course of the train because he believed that the kids playing on the operational track should have known very well that track was still in use, and that they should have run away if they heard the train's sirens. If the train was diverted, that single child would definitely die because he never thought the train could come over to that track. Moreover, that track was not in use probably because it was not safe. If the train was diverted to the track, the lives of all passengers on board may be at stake.

Therefore, "Remember what is right isn't always popular and what is popular isn't always right."

This kind of dilemma happens around us every day. Every moment in life, is a moment of decision. At every step, one has to decide about the next step and the decision leaves a lasting impression. When one is faced with dilemma, the heart becomes distressed and is filled with indecision. We take most decisions not to find a solution to a problem but to calm our heart. But, can one eat while running? Can a heart in the state of battle take the correct decision? To me the answer is no.

The whole purpose of writing this blog is to share my learning with you. From mistakes, I have learnt in my life that good decision-making is an art and a key to our mental fitness. I consult both my thoughts and feelings before making any choice. I try to follow four basic steps before taking any major decision in my life. These are scientific and truly helpful.

Step 1. Recognize which of your choices are made from habit and which are made from conscious analysis.

Step 2. State the purpose of your thinking. Follow KISS rule- Keep it short and Simple. A poorly defined problem can have countless solutions.

Step 3. To make wise choices it is helpful to have methods of evaluating options/alternatives that includes both rational and emotional factors.

Step 4. Once you have made your decision, accept them.

These are my decision-making techniques; I use them when I make choices. Now it's your turn. What is your decision making style? Share.


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